Welcome to our post marathon blog

Jane, Ian, Brian and Theresa have completed (well all accept Ian who did not start due to injury) the Palma Marathon. All survived and are still running. This is our continuing thoughts. Milly has now started her own blog.

Friday, 22 October 2010


Jane here
Well I did it. 4.25. Very pleased. Would have liked to have been a bit quicker and if my leg had been better think I could have been. Fantastic route. First half along the harbour and through the old town, fantastic and lots of support from Ian. Then out out out from Palma way past the airport and through some very dodgy towns for what seemed miles before turning back and heading towards Palma cathedral. 25 to 35 k seemed like torture. Leg really sore at about 35k but the thought of Ian not being able to run spurred me on and picked up pace again for the last 5k. Great to see Ian, David and Jane near the finish. Fantastic event but was so glad to finish. Day after swore would never do another marathon. By the end of the week, talking about Edinburgh...... Jxx

1 comment:

  1. Well done.
    Jedburgh half next week? The legs should be ok by then.
