Welcome to our post marathon blog

Jane, Ian, Brian and Theresa have completed (well all accept Ian who did not start due to injury) the Palma Marathon. All survived and are still running. This is our continuing thoughts. Milly has now started her own blog.

Sunday, 12 December 2010


My running activity has shut down to a 'care & maintenance' basis at the moment, i've barely managed 10 miles a week for the last 3 and the weather and work have just conspired to made things worse. I'd been looking forward to the cross country, but the cancellation of 2 Border meets and missing the Festive Half (unintentionally) made a bad situation worse. Things can only get better as that marvellous pop band D-Ream once said.

Been feeling a bit poorly this week but I need to drag myself out of my misery pit and get moving again.


Friday, 26 November 2010

Post Marathon

Thought I might carry on this blog for a while. Running after the marathon has been slow due to sore leg. But ran today and for the first time my leg does not hurt after running which is great progress. Ran with Theresa and Millie through the Winton woods. Very cold but really enjoyable. Millie enjoyed it. I enjoyed it and Theresa persevered. May run Gala on Sunday. Ian running alot, again. Back still sore apparantly but popping pills. Men.

Friday, 29 October 2010


Some pictures from the Dunbar Running Club Palma Marathon contingent can be found on Flickr either HERE or in the embedded slide show below.

There is a bit of amiable tomfoolery going in a few snaps, partly due to the Dunbar RC silly vest competition, and partly because, err the male subjects are, well, just fools (according to the girls anyway).

Anyway, the poses could have been so much worse. Just disappointing that the girls did not enter the spirit of the competition. Still, the boys had the last laugh, Stelios from Easyjet has just been off the phone about a lucrative contract to commission Ian as the new face of Easyjet - the epitome of efficiency, speed, guile and economy...........

Saturday, 23 October 2010

to the support crew....

Theresa here - its been a long while since I've written a blog so in my usual blethering style this one is a bit of a long one. Well guess I'd better give my take on the marathon - the short summary is - "it was hard"

We had headed in to pick up all our info from the expo tents as soon as we arrived in Palma - having had lunch next to the finish line. Things began to feel a bit more real for us all. At this point Ian, Jane, Brian and I were all expecting to run. The next day Ian got up and his spine resembled the leaning tower of Pisa more than a normal upright posture. With spending the day getting advice from Osteopaths in the UK, Jane/Brian and I all trying to pop the pelvis back into place and trying to find an open osteopath/chiropractor in Palma Ian resigned himself to chief support rather than running. He managed to be very supportive and not to show his gutted-ness - I'm not sure I'd have managed to do so well with this if it had been me.

The run itself started at 9am, and already it was warm with the sun shining and threatening to get hotter. We'd worked out our ideal km paces to get the times we were hoping for, and my aim was somewhere between 6.10 and 6.20 per km. The first 10km round the harbour area was too fast but not hugely so at 1.00 rather than 1.02. Then I mentally began to doubt myself as we headed into the town 10km. There had been a few sharp turns and running back on yourself in the first 10km, and through the town it felt a bit up and down hills trying to make up the distance. Jane loved this bit, I didn't. I was drinking tonnes, really thirsty and struggling with the heat and the thought of having to run for another 3 hours was not going down well with myself.

After the town 10km the half marathoners split to the finish, with the marathoners then splitting off for a half marathon loop. I really wanted to stop. I mean really. Without Ian shouting at me to keep going, and the thoughts that I couldn't pull out (a DNF is apparently much worse than a DNS) and really there was nothing wrong with me except my brain. I passed David and Jane B and told them I wanted to stop but kept going. I'd made a deal with myself - once I ran a km in over 7 mins I could pull out and walk back. I didn't ever run one this slow, although a couple of times when walking I broke the 7 min barrier. (Yes I know, walking. Tut tut, but worked out that in the whole this totalled less than 4 mins) I put my ipod shuffle on at the halfway point, and to be honest I think the music got me round. I knew that each km was less than 2 songs, so the kms just kept passing on by. It was a brill investment, and great idea for anyone who battles those internal demons when running a marathon.

My favourite section was the last 12km along the sea front. Great support helped with people shouting your name and words of encouragement (mostly in Spanish, German or English!). There was a short section here along some boardwalk planking that was a wee bit rotten, so interesting with tired legs. The views and nice pathway really helped me on the final section, and knowing that every step you took was getting you back closer to the finish. On the last km Jane B, David, Ian, Jane and Brian were all shouting me on - this was fantastic and a real boost to the end. The benefit of being last in the group to finish = more people you know to cheer you on!!!

So I didn't quite make the goal time, but to be honest by halfway I think finishing was the only goal I had and 5 hours sounded alright to me! I did 4.38 which is nearly 6 mins faster than the last marathon so have to be pleased with that. Legs were in agony afterwards, and I decided I wasn't an endurance athlete..... although I was a day quicker than Jane is saying maybe I'd do another....one day

So a bit of a mixed one for me - all about the fact that I wasn't mentally ready at the time I think and needed to get my head in a positive zone more. Although know now that I can do it even if brain is saying I can't so think that's positive....

The race itself had some great touches - your name was printed on your race number so everyone could cheer you on which was brill. As soon as you handed your race chip in they printed a certificate out with your time, and your 10km, halfway, 0-30km and second half times on it. We had paid for medal engraving so immediately got our names and times printed on our medals also. And I loved having the distances in kms. Mentally easier ticking these off, and once you got to 30km you knew you would make it but this is actually only 18 miles which is normally the hard part in a marathon when marked in miles.

A good one to do if you like running in the sun! now onto the diet after all our post race recovery eating and drinking.....

Ya he terminado!

Congratulations to Theresa & JaneT for 2 cracking PBs and commiserations to Mr Sills for his last-minute forced withdrawal. So our 'team' was down to 3 sadly, but Ian put a very brave face on, and ably assisted by David and JaneB, provided brilliant support around a very scenic course.

Conditions were ideal, with a light breeze, overcast sky and rain later. Temps hovered around 17 which was very fortunate. I pushed along for the first 15 or so miles at a surprisingly consistent pace, all around 7.40 - 7.50 minute miles or thereabouts. My hamstring then started to ache about mile 16, which reduced my pace to about 8.15, it then deteriorated further in the last 4 miles to about 8.30 -8.40. Annoyingly, the Garmin measured the course at 26.49 miles, almost a third of a mile longer than I had expected, but was 'happy' with 3 hours 31 mins. My first marathon experience was a positive one, and i'd definitely like to tackle another one at the right time. The whole race was superbly organised and was a fantastic atmosphere - one to recommend.

Post race R&R was pretty damn good, too much food and drink to be honest but very enjoyable. I managed 3 recovery runs for the 3 consecutive days that followed, thinking this might help and my legs felt ok for that.


Friday, 22 October 2010


Jane here
Well I did it. 4.25. Very pleased. Would have liked to have been a bit quicker and if my leg had been better think I could have been. Fantastic route. First half along the harbour and through the old town, fantastic and lots of support from Ian. Then out out out from Palma way past the airport and through some very dodgy towns for what seemed miles before turning back and heading towards Palma cathedral. 25 to 35 k seemed like torture. Leg really sore at about 35k but the thought of Ian not being able to run spurred me on and picked up pace again for the last 5k. Great to see Ian, David and Jane near the finish. Fantastic event but was so glad to finish. Day after swore would never do another marathon. By the end of the week, talking about Edinburgh...... Jxx

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

last blog

Jane here:
Think the powers that be do not want me to run. Walking Milly at John Muir yesterday with a friend and her dog and both dogs ran flat out into the back of my legs, knocking me flat on my back! Now have a very sore head and neck to go with the sore leg.................................
This is the last blog before the marathon. We go tomorrow, are all excited, who will run, who will finish? watch this space.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Life with "her" not running by Milly

Life is fab without her running. Went to Berwick today becaus he was doing a 10K trail race. She couldn't do it because of her bloody leg. AM SICK OF HEARING ABOUT THE BLOODY LEG. So. I got an hour of playing on the beach instead of being stuck in the car waiting for them both to finish and then getting a pathetic 10 mins run. Played with lots of dogs. Didn't get into any fights, went in the sea, played with sticks. Was totally great. Hopefully her leg will not get better.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Reality kicks in

Against better judgement from the other half at home decided to try a longer run this afternoon. Theresa and I did a 10 mile route along the Pencaitland Railway Line. Had forgotton to take anti inflammatories yesterday so leg a little uncomfortable, which is starting to suggest to me that it is more soft tissue than a bone issue. Anyway ran for about 4 miles and felt ok, started to feel a bit uncomfortable so walked a bit then turned around so probably did just short of 8 miles. Felt ok for the last four. It now hurts like hell. I think the sensible thing is not to run in Palma. Am definately not running until we get there but so want to do it after all the training. Am very very fed up. and it hurts.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Chirpier Janie

Rubbish day @ work, needed glass of wine to recover. Am going to run tomorrow. Watch this space.....

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Fed up Janie

Did a cycle this afternoon, feels so easy after running!!! Amazing how far you can go in such a short time!!!! Leg, disappointingly is aching tonight, so am feeling a tad fed up. May need to postpone Thursday's run to the weekend. Was feeling so good yesterday. Am starting to get v. fed up. Running in Palma is not looking like its going to happen. Also what rubbish is on the TV never realised how bad it was when my evenings were taken up by running! It has come to watching a re-run of Rosemary and Thyme. Things are desperate!

Monday, 4 October 2010

Jane here:
Well after a week of rest my leg feels alot better. The GP put me on some anti inflamatories in case it was soft tissue damage and they have definately helped. Still awaiting X-ray results. Went for a cycle yesterday and felt fine no niggles and a dog walk tonight. Can now run on the spot with no pain and no pain going up and down stairs. Am planning to cycle tomorrow, rest Wednesday and do about 5k if possible on Thursday. If all good want to do an hour at the weekend and another 5k before flying off to Palma. At the moment looking good but will have to see how I feel on Thursday. Trying to have a bit of "active recovery" this week but the first twinge and I'll be back to full rest.

Ian did last long run yesterday and has a niggle in his hip but after hearing about Stuart's 2.52 at Loch Ness the sore hip has been forgotton - amazing what a bit of healthy competition can do!!!! (if you are reading this Stuart - well done!)

So I am reasonably confident about making the start line but not so confident about finishing will just have to wait and see!

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Last LSR!

The marathon is now exactly a fortnight off. With a bit of relief I finally got my last long run out the way. Drop off at Longniddry Station, along the old railway line to Haddington, then East Linton, Dunbar and home. From Haddington, I broadly followed the route of the Tyne, which err, doesn't flow uphill, so the run was quite flat.....nice. 21 miles at around 8:45 pace so that'll do. No major aches or pains, thankfully.

Lets hope Jane's suspected stress fracture won't prevent her from finishing, I am sure she will be ok, the rest will most definitely help.


Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Jane here:
Well after a very easy week of 3 four mile runs I am no better. Felt great at the weekend and nearly did the Dumfries half as leg felt fine. Went out last night for an easy 5 miles, along the railway line and am back with very sore leg. Aarrgh!!!! What to do???? Am seeing a sports physio guy tomorrow morning to see if he can help. Just walked Milly and it even hurt doing that which is not a good state to be in two and a half weeks before a marathon. Pain is in lower left leg just below the knee, around calf muscle and hurts like hell when I touch the bone - any ideas anyone??? Am very grumpy and very fed up.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Milly here:
Done quite a few runs recently. Managed to nearly chew through the red harness contraption, thank goodness. Have not chased any runners or cyclists recently so am allowed back of the lead a bit which is fun. Did a few runs with Dad but he runs too fast and it is really hard work. He does not stop and let me sniff at things like Mum does. Had a nice run at John Muir and behaved myself and a short run tonight - played with a golden retriever and a spaniel then met a doberman who was a bit full of himself (was really frightened but don't think he caught on) strutting about with no tail.
Jane here:
now sitting with ice pack on left leg as following massage "is red and inflamed" which does not sound good. Had a lecture from Tom (Harley) and told to ease off from now until the marathon. No more long runs, short runs for rest of week, no more than 8 miles on Sunday (so no half marathon for Janie) max. Build up a bit next week running no more than 14 on Sunday then serious taper. All this should get Janie to the start line a happy bunny! Also have been told to persuade Theresa to do the same as even though Saturday was not the best run it was still 22 miles on the legs and she needs to recover too!!!!!
Jane here:
Theresa and I did our "very long run" on Saturday. I had a really good run and felt strong all the way apart from getting cramp in my left leg at about 18 miles. Ran from our house inPencaitland, down to Longniddry, along the railway line to Haddington along the path by the river and along to Hailes Castle, down to East Linton then along the old A1 to Belhaven where Theresa had parked the car. It was a great route a few small hills but nothing too challenging but the long straight from East Linton to Dunbar seemed to go on forever. Feel alot more confident about the race now. Theresa had had two bad nights sleep during the week and a bit of a dodgy tummy on Saturday morning and did not enjoy the run but I'll let her write about her take on the run. She will be fine!! my family say that I say that about everything and I do seem to say "It'll be fine" about every possible scenario. But am sure Theresa will be!!! Since Saturday however I have fallen to pieces a bit as left leg very sore and quite sore to run. Have done a four miler on Monday and 3 and a bit tonight and am just off for a sports massage to try and loosen things up a bit. Am also very very tired. ALL THE TIME!!!! and hungry....

Monday, 20 September 2010

Brian here - at last my hamstring/back of knee pain has been relegated to a 'niggle'. Managed a good hilly 20 miler yesterday, up Woodhall, over Crystal Rig windfarm then back home via Elmscleugh. No route was initially planned, with my previously sore leg I thought i'd just run a non-committal distance, and see how it went. I'd never ran up this way before, and I am always intrigued by some of the strange place names deep in the Lammermuirs - 'Dogbush Knowe', 'Boonslie Shank', and some quite sinister - 'Bladdering Cleugh' and 'Bother Cleugh'. I was rather taken by Boonslie Shank so thought I might head loosely that way.

As I passed Woodhall Cottages, Stuart clocked me and he stepped out and we had a timely blether. He put me onto a good route, which gave some much needed focus - a hilly ascent up to Weatherly, up to Crystal Rig then over the moor and through a forest heading for Harehead. Back onto the (barely) B-road and back over to Elmscleugh and home. All went by without too much drama, apart from a couple of herds of boisterous coos getting a bit excited in my presence and some ominous heavy clunks from a turbine as I ran underneath it. All in all a very enjoyable, but slow, upland/moorland route - one of my favourite types of run. 20.04 miles in 3:10 - hardly going to set the heather alight but no real pain to speak of.

Friday, 17 September 2010

Jane here:
Had a fun night out with the club for Pizza last night and Ian made some very grand statements about Ian and I running a combined time of under 7 hours. Theresa and Brian are thinking of similar great rewards if they do a combined time of under 7 1/2 hours. Watch this space.....

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Jane here
well four weeks to go - will any of us make it??? Ian has a sore back, I have a lingering cold, Brian has sore legs and Theresa has sore feet. We are all falling to bits. Watch this space!

Monday, 13 September 2010

Jane here
Had to take a few days off due to cold and sore throat so only managed 18 miles last week. Ran 14 on Sunday and felt good on rested legs. Hip still sore - need to watch this I think. And feel full of cold again today. Theresa and I are planning to do 22 miles at the weekend. Hopefully this will go ok. Ian has a sore back and not running at all at the moment. Will any of us make it?????????

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Hard work of late...

Getting into the swing of longer stuff as of late, completed a few 14 milers, a couple of 16s including one from our house to North Berwick, and then a 19 miler today which has kinda left me think if i'm really fit enough for a marathon....i've been having a lower hamstring niggle just behind my right knee for last few long ones but today, by about mile 14, the niggle sort of moved into full blown pain, especially on the slightest incline. I'll need to watch this one, it is fine this evening but I havn't ran since Tuesday so it has been well rested. In my favour, the route was a very pleasant rural one, over the back of the house to the Brunt/Woodhall, through Aikengall and into Oldhamstocks, down to Torness, along to Skateraw (ouch), then to Barn's Ness Lighthouse, Whitesands then up the hill homewards.

Sunday, 29 August 2010

Theresa and I did the Paisley 10K today which does not really feature in our marathon training. I've had a very low key week so I have treated it as a 'rest' or 'easy' week......Theresa had a really good run at Paisley and I recorded a PB, so a 'result' nevertheless.

We had a really nice afternoon at Ray's barbeque in Haddington, though having 3 too many strong quality ciders post race has left me a bit tipsy-.......ach well.

Here is a link to Sandy's Orkney report on the Portobello website - I did the 2 mile and 10K race featured and Theresa completed the 10K.

Friday, 27 August 2010


Millie here. Not been on many long runs recently which is a bit of a bore. They bought me a running harness which is red. How stupid do I look in that. Have tried to chew through the harness and am nearly there - next time think I will manage it. Also she is keeping me on the lead as I keep chasing other runners and cyclists - only want to play but they don't seem to like it. Bags are being packed at home so think we are off to the cabin this weekend. Can't wait. No cats about though - which makes it a bit boring as I like annoying them.

7 weeks to go

Think the girlies training is on target. Both of us are having an easy week this week as Saturdays long run ending in walking and Jane felt ill for the rest of the weekend. Seem to be tired all the time now and eating all the time. Motivation not bad but fed up of having to run ALL THE TIME. Hip sore again after track session - obviously not good for me. Off to Kippford this weekend and dont plan to run any more than 10 miles. Jane

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Bamboo gobbledygook

53 days and 18 hours to go, apparently. Better get moving. The Palma Marathon finishers T shirt is apparently made of 49% bamboo carbo (whit??). It will complement the Dunbar RC green shorts.

Legs felt not too bad after 17 miles on Sunday. My race motivation has come on leaps and bounds once i saw the finisher's shirt (honestly).


Monday, 16 August 2010

A better week...

I've managed to get off my backside this week and get about 50 miles under the belt.......mixed enough to be interesting but I still need to consider doing fewer but longer runs. The two longer runs were 13 or so, the second one being the Haddington Half Marathon on Saturday which took place in the hot and sultry conditions we have become accustomed to with this race. I was very pleased with the outcome, though, I thought I would not have a hope in hell of bettering my PB from Loch Leven in May of 1:36, but I surprised myself with a time of 1:33.

This week is quite a busy one, I had hoped to have a 9 mile lunchtime session done today, but forgot to pack that rather important racing apparel - a pair of shorts. So it will have to be tomorrow lunchtime. Then we have the Carfraemill - Gifford 11 mile run (I am told it is not a race) organised by HELP and to which an invitation to Dunbar RC is extended annually. Thursday evening is the final East Lothian summer series followed by a Bar B Q so my options for a proper long run are confined to the coming weekend.

The girls obviously had a good run approaching 20 miles on Saturday despite Theresa falling into some bushes and losing her bottle.......

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Big Long Run

Saturday 14th August
Theresa and I did our first really long run (just short of 20 miles). We started at Theresa's house and ran down to the coast at whitesands, round the golf course through Dunbar round another Golf course through John Muir, along the river, up to Smeaton and then to Haddington via East Linton and Hailes castle. Was a fab route, both on and off road (thanks Theresa). We both had a great run and I finished feeling stronger than I have for weeks. Have found the last month really hard and had lost alot of motivation but have had a good week and feel much more positive. Theresa and I have not managed to run together much over the last month due to holidays etc and it is great to get back to running together (what a difference).
We finished the run just in time to see the boys at the 1 mile mark of the Haddington Half and it was great to see them start just as we had finished. Just time for a shower and something to eat before cheering them over the finish line.
Milly has not being doing much running over the summer as the miles are too big for her now. But comes out for some nice short recovery runs which she loves.

Saturday, 7 August 2010

A mixed week

Two short mid-week races really hampered my distance miles, it was fun doing the East Lothian Summer Series stint in Musselburgh on Tuesday followed by the next evening's North Berwick Law Race. The latter is a particularly fantastic event, really great atmosphere, lots of crowd support and the route, well, is self explanatory. I remain amazed at the speed and agility that some of the seasoned hill runners take the descent from the Law......

I'll be brutally honest, these two events were really a convenient excuse to avoid having to do any distance - I'm having a little problem with distance running motivation at the moment. I'm enjoying short races just now and my speed is picking up nicely, but this is all too much of a distraction from the task in hand - marathon training. With two months left, I do have the time but there is now no room for further procrastination!

I had made a mental committment to doing a longer run this weekend, I hummed and hawed all day, finding other stuff to do, but by 6.00 I decided enough was enough and just got out there. It was a beautiful, still summers evening, and when I was out running I felt that I sometimes have to pinch myself to remind me how lucky we are - the countryside around here is simply amazing. We live on the eastern flanks of the Lammermuirs, with ready access out of the back of the house to hills, secret tracks, woodland, moorland with superb views across the Borders, then over the Forth, to Fife and beyond. Really made for running and walking, and with little in the way of traffic on the many minor highways and byways that cut into the hills.

My route took me from our house over Doon Hill, down to the Brunt, headed over to Innerwick via Woodhall and then to Thorntonloch. Unfortunately, the last few miles of my route took me via a more industrialised viewpoint, passing Torness and Dunbar cement works. This was necessary, as I had elected not to go deeper into the hills, wanting to keep my distance to around 14 miles. Mercifully it was no more than that as my legs had decided to give up, yet my lungs still had plenty of go in them.

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Post WHW training - Brian

My measly and hardly-worth-mentioning contribution to the Dunbar RC West Highland Way was a very dissapointing 6 miles (achilles pain), though I did manage to add about 3 unintended miles whilst out searching for Jane and Theresa who were doing the 12 mile leg prior to handing over the baton to me........needless to say, their slight deviation from the route resulted in the well-documented and now infamous 'Tyndrum tiff' between Ian and Jane.

Since then i've really not been over the 12 mile mark in training runs, all short and fairly fast stuff, which is good generally but rubbish for marathon training. A foray to Orkney for a holiday saw me suckered into 2 races as part of the 'Stromness Shopping Week' (week-long piss-up), the first was the 'Around the Town' race, 2 miles of fast, steep uphill then descent around the town. The second was the Stromness 10K, which again, was just a bigger version of the 2 miler (ie thru the town, up a big hill then thru the country north of the town and back again. Both lungbusting and eye-poppingly hard.

I managed 3rd and 5th place respectively, let me add that this says rather more about the size of the field than my athletic abilities. Around these two races I managed to get some useful miles accrued running around and between Stenness, Houton and Scorrabrae on the Orkney West Mainland and a nice sharp hill run out towards Ward Hill.

My next run has got to be 14 miles......

Wednesday, 14 July 2010


Have done two runs since the WHW, the first felt quite sore but did 6 miles yesterday through woods and was flying along so think the WHW did some good and would definately do it again!!! Though agree with Thersea that need a less undulating route!!! Jane and Ian are now over their "short" domestic!!!

Sunday, 11 July 2010

WHW continued....

I'm not sure about Jane's definitions.... a "short" domestic. Hmmmm - don't want to see a long one......

Next time we'll pick more sensible and less undulating sections to run. With a break in between.

The West Highland Way - Jane

Somehow and against my better judgement we got talked into taking part in the Dunbar V HELP West Highland Way Relay Run. Stupidly Theresa and I said we wanted to do a double section as we are marathon training and need along run. If we suggest this again someone please tell us to SHUT UP!
We were running from 6 miles south of Crianlarich to Tyndrum (12 miles). The weather was not raining as forecast but overcast and pleasant. We set off in good spirits following on from Ian Rowland who had done one of the harder sections. We had Milly with us on a long lead who was excited and looking forward to her run.
The first mile was undulating on reasonable terrain. However alarm bells did not start ringing until we realised it had taken us 45 minutes to run 3 miles. At this rate it was going to take 3 hours (not the 2 we had anticipated). The route was spectacular and a wonderful route but so hard. Very undulating and very rough terrain in parts. At six miles we were starting to get very tired and Theresa suggested bailing out. 'No we can do this' I insisted . Again, next time I suggest this tell me to SHUT UP. Brian Carr sped past us at about this in some very short shorts! but they obviously made him go faster so maybe that's what we need.
At 9 miles we were seriously tired, I could not work out how to open a gate - just lift the latch obviously. At 10 miles, Milly was getting agitated and needed to stop, everything was now hurting. Both of us were not sure if we were going to get to Tyndrum and if we had brought the mobile with us like we were told to would have definately bailed out.
At long last, after 3 long hours of running and some walking on the steeper bits we arrived at Tyndrum. The fun then started. At no point in our race prep had we discussed where in Tyndrum we were finishing. We passed two obvious meeting points with no one in sight and the path then appeared to go out and past Tyndrum. We were both very very tired and agreed that we could go no further so went off the route (1st stupid idea) into Tyndrum thinking that the main road was a possible sighting point for the boys. Again nothing. We were both getting a bit panicky and then we saw Ian who waved and then ran off!! Some very rude swear words came out of our mouths at this point. But undeterred we hobbled after Ian who was sprinting away from us. Then he turned and whistled and RAN AWAY AGAIN.!!! so off we went for another half mile and then eventully after 3 and half hours found the meeting point!!! Expecting hugs and "well done Jane" from Ian was a tad upset when the words " you F******** retard - what did you think you were doing going into Tyndrum" came out out of my loving partner's mouth. A short "domestic" followed....
After some food and rest we had a fabulous day. Brian ran a good leg and Ian ran two hard legs. We all really enjoyed the day and thank you to HELP for organising it. A good boozy night followed with some great laughs about the mishaps of the day.


What a retard!!!


Thursday, 17 June 2010


Brian here - Thanks to Ian and Jane for their hospitality at Kippford, this enabled me to get back into the swing of things a bit, with a slightly longer run than I have recently been accustomed to on the Saturday followed by the lung busting (to me) Mabie 10K trail race on the Sunday. Well done to Ian for his fantastic third overall and 1st vet position (crikey Ian, a bit more training and you could have come first :) ). Well done to the girls for their performance too, it was a hilly course in uncomfortable and clammy conditions. I was happy with 23rd over the line.

I haven't really done any long runs for a while, the 20 miler E2NB race back in May quickly followed by the Loch leven half and that's been it; i've packed on a few pounds since the week's fishing holiday at end of May and its been a real struggle to get back into a bigger mileage, with just short training runs and even shorter races proliferating at the moment. I guess that some of the shorter summer races may have to be sacrificed to get in some quality long runs. Portobello 4 mile race tonight followed by a curry - what did I say about short races!!

Monday, 14 June 2010

Training Weekend @ Kippford

All four of us went to Kippford this weekend. The weather was very kind to us encouraging lots of running. Jane and Theresa ran 14 miles in Dalbeattie forest on Saturday which went well and was very enjoyable. Ian and Brian did 10 miles at Ian's pace (!) also. On Sunday we all did the Mabie Forest 10k Trail Race. Ian did very well and came third overall and 1st Vet so was very pleased. Brian was in the top (30 I think???) and Jane and Theresa were just over the hour. It was a great route but we (Jane and Theresa) found it very hard after our long run the day before and considered pulling out after the first mile! We persevered and managed to finish but with very tired legs. My mileage for last week was just under 40 miles and am now very tired and am not sure I can sustain this. Also am putting weight on the more I run which is totally depressing but is according to various websites very common in women?? If anyone has any thoughts on this let me know (and I know that eating less is the obvious one - but don't think I am really overeating). Today is a rest day thank goodness and I have had to hide Ian's shoes in order that he has a "rest Day" which appears to be an alien concept to him.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Milly on a roll

They took me down to John Muir Country Park last week. Was great fun but too hot to run so took off along the beach and went swimming. Don't think they were too pleased but we appeared to have got cut off by a bridge so they ended up swimming aswell. So obviously I had the right idea. Think will have to curtail my long runs during the warm weather. Far too hot to run with a fur coat on.

Sports massage- Jane

As my knee had been a bit sore during the half I thought a sports massage might be a good idea. Childbirth was less painful. Could not believe how painful having my IT band done was! and I need to go back again for more...

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

More Zen comments


All I want to say is; Stuart did 2.59.11 (I nearly hugged him), Jane did 1.58.38 (I did hug her) and I have a bad back.

Enough said roll on next week

Milly back in training

Well nicely over my op. My first run was very hard only a couple of miles was glad when she turned round. Back into it nicely though wish we could go a bit further am getting a bit bored with short runs. Have chewed a bit of furniture to give them the hint that I am bored and need more exercise. Hopefully they will get the hint soon. He has hurt his back so am just getting grumpy walks with him and she has run some run she keeps going on about and is "resting". What about me I say. Need to go and chew some more furniture.

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Edinburgh Half - Jane

Was very nervous before the start, needed the loo about a zillion times but the weather was overcast and raining so looked promising. Had a slow start (for once) but then did three quick miles before I ran to a portaloo as needed the loo again (must get over these nerves) then settled down into a comfortable pace another two quick miles around 7/8 miles then back to a reasonable pace. Felt comfortable all the way round but seemed miles after passing the Racecourse to the turning point. Great having people, especially, ian cheering everyone on - really makes a difference. Managed to run under two hours which I never thought I would do so am fairly pleased with myself (ian says I am going on - but am not really and as Theresa reminded me he had alot of air time over his elite marathon time!!). Feel alot more confident about the marathon and my running capabilites which is a good thing as was feeling as though I wasn't getting anywhere. So have learnt today that I can run faster than I thought; still hate gel bars and need to find smaller ones as I need them and cooler weather suits me better. Going to have more wine now...

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Ian's Blog No 2

Update from Ian

Another good weeks training. Five easy miles on Monday then on Tuesday, which is one of my core days, I ran an easy treadmill 4 miles at lunch time and a long hard 10 mile run up Doon Hill with Richard and Stuart from the Club in the evening. On Wednesday I had a busy day at work so only managed to run in the evening but did a good 8 miles off road. Four easy miles at lunchtime on Thursday was followed by a hard track session in the evening. One mile warm up then 4 x 600 then 8 x 300. I again did my long run on Friday evening. 13.17 miles at 6.40 pace was a hard but very satisfying. The week was finished off with an easy 5 miles on Sunday. So a 50+ mile week sets me up nicely for the Edinburgh Half next Sunday which Jane and I have managed to get an entry for.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Zen like focus

"But the most important thing is to run a sub 3 hour marathon nothing else matters, partner, blog even the dog, nothing is more important that this."
Words of wisdom from a master of his art who is well on the path to true running enlightenment (not sure Jane and the dug will agree.....)

Afraid I do not yet have the zen-like focus Ian has at the moment, hopefully it will come. I've been poorly disciplined since basking in the glory of completing the E2NB 20 miler race couple of weeks ago, only managing the core weekly schedule of club run + intervals + weekend run - barely scraping by with 30 miles/week. I need to play catch-up big style and FAST. Completed the Loch Leven half marathon yesterday, a decent PB in not so great windy conditions may have given me the motivation to get the mileage up again - but not before sitting on my arse the rest of the weekend. A forthcoming week's fishing commencing next Saturday in the Outer Hebrides with the fishing guys, accompanied by lashings of coronary-inducing breakfasts and high alcohol intake, is most definitely not part of the plan, but sometimes sacrifices have to be made. The running kit will be packed for the week, however, and no doubt met by the usual looks of disapproval and mild derision from the other 3 non-runners.
My focus at the moment will be on pace consistency, crucial for a good, measured marathon. Made a reasonable attempt at pacing at yesterday's half, fairly happy with the splits which gave me a bit of reserve energy in the dying stages of the race:

Split Times Loch Leven 2010

1 7:17
2 7:10
3 7:25
4 7:20
5 7:32
6 7:07
7 7:10
8 7:33
9 7:24
10 7:16
11 7:43
12 7:25
13 7:25
14 0:53
Summary 01:36:47

Sunday, 9 May 2010


Milly here:
Not done much running over the last month, with the people putting me in prison (sorry kennells) whilst they went on holiday and then to cap it all they got stuck so I had to go and stay with the old folk with their big boxer, Charlie. It was a bit scary at first and I wasn't sure what was happening but got lots of treats and walks but no runs. Then the people got back and if being in prison (sorry kennells) and staying with Charlie the big scary boxer wasn't enough they shipped me off to the VETS for an operation to remove my girlie bits. So no running for me and even had to stay on the lead!! Was allowed a short run tonight so hopefully will get a bit of my fitness back but was a bit out of breath I can tell you. going back to sleep in front of the fire.....
This is my second blog entry. With 21 weeks to go I've started my marathon training. Following the calf injury I picked up whilst on holiday I managed to get through a week of no running. This last week has gone really well. I started with an easy 5 miles off road run in the forest of Dalbeatie and came through that with no after effect. With my confidence boosted I ran an easy 4 miles on the treadmill Tuesday lunchtime followed by a hard fast run with Stuart at the Club in the evening. We set off at a steady pace a picked it up in the last 3 miles. A good 9 mles at 6.40 pace was just what I needed. On Wednsday I ran 5 mles at lunch and 6 miles in the evening. Thursday saw a 4 mile treadmill run at lunch time with the Club monhly 5 k time trial in the evening. I had a handicap of 17.45 and managed 17.31 which whilst not my best time was still pretty good. On Friday I decided to do my long run as the weekend was going o be very busy. I ran 14 miles at 7.4 pace. This is the longest run I've managed for some time and kept the pace steady at 7.04. Unforunately I felt a it of a twinge in my right achillies which is an old injury I've previously suffered from. I iced the sore bit and had a rest day on Saturday. Today I ran an easy off road 5 mles in 40 minutes and iced the achillies which doesn't feel any worse. So fingers crossed things should be ok. This is my first full week of marthon training. The core sessions on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings went very well and I just hope to be able to maintain this pattern of training.

The Girlies Training Plan

Janie here:
Our plan for the next few months (as soon as Alice (theresa) is recovered from falling down her rabbit hole) is the build up our long run by two miles a month. May is a 14 mile month, June 16, July 18, and so on. The idea to run up to three at the appropriate distance per month. So far I have only managed to two long runs a month. Last week I did 14 miles at the weekend and 16 during the week but was then tired for the rest of the following week so have only run a pathetic 13 miles this week. I am planning to do 2 x 3.5 runs, a track session, 7 or so miles on Tuesday and 14 over the weekend plus hopefully another 4 ish miles. Which would put me at over 30 miles which would be ok. May is a very busy month for us as loads of family stuff going on so weekends all very busy. The following weekend I am doing the Edinburgh 1/2 and following that am going to have two weeks of lots of shorter runs. But we shall see!! Hopefully Theresa will be able to start doing something this week but we have plenty of time and feeling a bit more like running again. Not sure I am cut out for this marathon training lark!

Introducing Ian

Ian here:
Finally got round to completing my first blog entry. Apart from Brian I am the serious athlete in our merry band of four. The marathon is not about finishing it is about finishing in a good time. My history of running spans a decade or more. I first jointed Dunbar Running Club to get fit for the three peaks race. This is a sailing and running race on the West Coast fo Scotland. After completing, well not quite as we dropped out of the second race, two of these events I began to enjoy running and haven't looked backed since. Since then I have completed in more taces that I can remember. Cross county in the winter and road races in the summer. I have run at all distances from 5K to completing two marathons. I hae also completed a few triathlons, a couple of long ditances duathlons, Coriaich Challenge twice and the Highland Cross once. I also enjoy mountain bking and have had some age gorup success in the Glenress duathlons and have compelted the grueeling Bealch Na Bah 90 mile road cycle tour twice and enver again. I have also completed in the stupid Deerstalker race for the last three years and hope not to that again. ever.
But running is my thing. My marathon hisory is pretty short compared to others. Running 26.3 miles wasn't really on my agenda for a long time. I have rn a 34 minute 10k anda 76 minute half marathon although my good friend Stuart would challenge that the distance at the Edinburgh 1/2 in 208 wasn't accurate, but gealously is very ugly. I ran my first marathon in 2007 in London. it was a very hot day but otherwise perfect conditions. For anyone who has done this race they will know how fantastic the atmosphere is in and around ther oute. For those who haven't done London then do. I managed to finish in 2.56.31 and was very pleased. I struggled over the last couple of miles and found stairs up and down very difficult for a few days afterward but really enjoyed the whole experiece. In 2008 I ran my second marathon this time in Edinburgh. A few weeks earlier I had run the Dinburgh to North berwick 22 mile road raceaand finsihed really quickly almost but note quite ctching the lead runner so I knew I was in good shape. I finished Edinburgh in 2.44.57 which gae me an Elite entry to London. I have suffered ofer the last few years with problems with my feet and took a do or die attitute toward my third marathon training. Unfortunately I never made London in 2009 and missed my chance to line against the worlds elite runners. It would have been nice to sit next o Haile and compare training notes (like I'm in his league NOT)>
Anyway 2009 was pretty disastrous as far as training went. I ran avery poor Northumberland Coastal run and gave up for a couple of months afterwards concentrating on keeping fit by cycling. After this short break and some magic by a Podiatrist my feet and Achilles problems sorted themselves out and I started training again. The plan was to build up over 3 months to 40 miles a week at christams then 12 weeks of 40 miles up tot he end of March, move up to 50 mile weeks for April and the first part of My and finish with theEdinburgh 1/2 at the end f the month. This would then get me prepared for full marathon training over the net 16 weeks.
The plan has gone pretty well. The build up phase went well, 40 miles a week was a breeze and I managed to run a 60 minute 10 mile race at lasswade. I then started the 50 mile weeks. Finding the time has been difficult and a two week (the second week was forced on us deo the nice volcanic erption) holiday to France interupted my routine. I also picked up a left clasf muscle injury somehoe tso have not run since Monday and will continue to rest until at least next week now. We also missed the cu off for the Edinburgh 1/2 but I am working on that.
All in all I think I am in pretty good shape and things have gone to plan so far. I will plot out the sixeen week training programme in some detail based on the programmes I followed for the other marathons.
I will try to keep the blog up to date with my progress. But the most important thing is to run a sub 3 hour marathon nothing else matters, partner, blog even the dog, nothing is more important that this.

Friday, 7 May 2010

bad week

Janie here:
Ran 14 miles on trails at the weekend at Dalbeattie and felt great. Ran on Tuesday with the club which was a nice easy run along through John Muir Country Park and felt rubbish. Legs felt dead and felt couldn't run at all. Came home feeling that the marathon was just impossible. Thought wouldn't run on Wednesday as legs obviously tired. Ran the 5k timetrial on Thursday and did 25.27 which is a PB. Whats that all about????

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Edinburgh to North Berwick 20 mile race

Brian here.

I've scraped together a bit more mileage in the legs last few weeks, a couple of 13 milers culminating in a 15 miler a week or so ago. Not really enough, in my mind, to embark on this 20 mile road race, so I said to myself i'd just treat it as a training run (aye right).

En route to Portobello (via North Berwick to pick up Anne and Stuart Hay), my pre race karma was affected quite badly by witnessing a roe deer taking its final gasps of breath on the roadside after bounding through a hedgeline and onto the road in front of a van coming the opposite way. Nothing could be done for the poor animal so we carried on.

At the race, the plan was to stick to a steady and consistent pace, and i'd worked out that 8 minute/mile pace over the course would bring me over the line at 2: 40. Nice in theory, but with a stiff NE headwind, and with much of the route being west to east on an exposed coastline, that could be tricky - so a bit of expectation management might be required. Anyway, hung off at the start at a comfortable pace, felt good at both the 5 and 10 mile points. 13 miles passed without incident, and the gentle, but fairly long 'ascent' into Gullane at about 15 miles took a bit of time out my legs, though still managed to pass 3 or 4 runners at that point. A further barb was in store as we left Gullane and approached Archerfield/Dirleton, where a further little hill took its toll. Leaving Dirleton, and refreshed by a water stop manned by Neil Jones from the club and family, managed to pass a few more runners on the straight approaching North Berwick. I got buoyed up at this point and managed to up the pace considerably for the last mile and a half - where does that come from?

Clocked in at 2: 39, very happy with that considering the headwind. Still need to check the split times to see just how consistent my pacing was.

Great race, and nice route along the East Lothian coast. Almost falls into the category of one of those races where it is better to travel than to arrive...........

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Back to Scotland

Janie here:
Well you have already heard about this disasterous run on Saturday. After Theresa spectacularly fell down the rabbit hole she decided to hobble home and I thought I would carry on as it was such a lovely day but not do 12 miles. Decided to to a hilly shorter route which felt ok but after running along the flat coast of Nice for a week felt very hard. Had to walk up the hill back to Theresa's and also legs very tired but added my miles up for the week and had done 35 miles (no wonder I was a bit tired!). Have rested for a couple of days Milly and I did 8 miles this afternoon nice gentle run through the woods of Pencaitland with only one hill to negotiate. Felt great. Milly does not seem to have been slowed down by not running for two weeks in fact was having to stop and wait for too often! Planning a short run tomorrow and the same 8 miles on Thursday and Friday and then a long run at the weekend in Dalbeattie Forest. Sore knee better too - just hope I don't fall over again as Theresa and I seem to be jinxed at the moment.

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Disaster strikes....thrice

Theresa here - blogging with others does remove the pressure of regular updates but guess it would be good if I wrote a little every now and then. With Janie away on an unexpected extended holiday, I've been slogging away on my own or at club, looking forward to our first run back together again.....so thought I'd update on how that went.

But to the first disaster......Gala 10k. This was to be my first race after my foot injury in November last year, first 10k since Norham. Thought I was feeling ok and relatively relaxed, and have rolled out the heart rate monitor again to help with my training so was intrigued to see that 1) I was running the race dead slow - slower than goal marathon pace 2) my heart was beating like billyo (172-173 bpm which is high for me in a race 3) legs were getting me nowhere but importantly 4) I could go no faster. Anyway, consoled myself with cake at the Fat Cat Gallery in Lauder on the way home, and then cycled from Pencaitland to home as penance (not sure if thats penance for the bad race, the cake or both.....)

Decided after Gala that I needed to start training faster and as luck would have it the train on Tuesday night was well late to Dunbar so I got to run with Neil Teather. Yay - an unplanned tempo run for me, a nice easy run for Neil. Then I went to intervals on the Thursday and by then I was going on average 2 mins per mile faster than gala, with a lower heart rate. I'll never understand this performance malarkey.....

Disaster 2.....for some reason after much deliberation and inaction, I suddenly decided it would be a great idea to try to conquer my Gala issues by taking part in the Gala sprint tri. Hmmm. Swim went well - apart from the fact that both contacts were AWOL immediately after. Then onto bike. Not so good. People got punctures and still passed me. A basket and a loaf of bread and my look would have been complete. Currently I'm blaming my poor cycle performance on my equipment (all good workmen blame their tools don't they) as everyone else seemed to have pro tri equipment and I had by Halfords hybrid not so expensive model with me. Defo need a proper road racing bike, with clippy on pedals etc, so I can get a little bit more speed up! So confused was I it took me three attempts to hang my bike up before the two lap run. I say run, shuffle would be more appropriate. Stumbling over the tree roots and tree stumps, walking up any incline over minor and finally I'm finished. Rewarded myself with cake at Fat Cat Gallery. Phew.

On the Monday I went out and did an 8 miler over Doon Hill to try to add some hills back into the running, build up some leg strength etc and felt good. Tuesday club run was sluggish (due to the tri and the hills I think). Thursday and intervals felt surprisingly ok, actually feel I'm getting back into this running malarkey until..........

Disaster 3 - Jane and I planning a nice 12 miler. Beautiful day, and I had planned a beautiful route, not too challenging, nice mix of off road and road, flat and hills. 1.5 miles in and I do an "Alice in Wonderland". Yup down a rabbit hole. Walked home and have been icing, elevating, compressing ever since. Ankle resembles a baby elephants - must try to send the photo into the blog. Can't believe it.

This better not take long to heal.........

Friday, 23 April 2010

Overseas Training

Jane here:
We have just had 10 days in the South of France. When we went I was not sure whether I would run or not but packed kit, just in case. I had a bit of a niggle in my right hip before we left so thought a week off might be a good idea and also our gite was on a mountain side so it was definately going to be "mountain running " if not altitude training! After about 3 days my legs were getting restless so off I set for a 5 mile run. Ian set off before me giving me some very vague instructions i.e. turn left at the third tree, look out for the yellow postbox etc. I started well and after about a mile was feeling strong and really enjoying running in warm weather and thought I would probably extend the run to about an hour or so. Then, bang, I was on the tarmac, blood everywhere! Resisting the very strong urge to cry I looked at the damage. My right knee was bleeding and visibly swelling and my thumb was blackening as i looked at it and already almost twice its normal size and very painful. I got up and gingerly put weight on my sore leg and although painful was not obviously damaged. Looking around so see what had made me hit the deck in such spectacular fashion I saw a pipe sticking out of the wall at the side of the road at about mid calf height - well that would do it!!!. I hobbled home up the mountain road which made the hills of Dunbar look flat. Obviously when I got home Ian was still out running so I mopped myself up - no ice available or any other first aid kit! so propped my leg up and sat in the sun feeling very sorry for myself. So that was the end of that weeks training - new I should have stayed on the sunbed with a glass of wine!
After we got delayed by the nice volcano we got moved to a hotel in Nice just behind the Promanade des Anglais and by Monday felt I could try another run, although still bruised and battered had obviously not done any real damage. Did two days of 6 mile morning runs and 3 mile evening runs and 3 miles on the last day. Flat easy running, great, sea on one side - fabulous. And probably good practice for the marathon in Palma in October. Learnt a few things - I find running in heat hard - will definately need to wear a hat and a race belt with various bottles of water, energy drinks etc to hand and wear lots of suncream and do lots of running in the middle of the day during the summer to get used to the mediteranean heat.

Friday, 16 April 2010

Brian again....

Buoyed by my Gala 10K PB on Sunday, and celebrating the virtual absence of my left calf niggle, decided to do a 'longer' one on Tuesday club night. Ran down to the club (about 4 miles) caught up with the crowd then upped the pace a bit for the remaining 9 miles. Seemed to work quite well - ran with Frank and Graeme which kept the tempo up, then left them and returned to the club. Nice route, out through John Muir park, back out the old A1 then through West Barns to Dunbar. Kept a decent pace going, around 8.15 average, thanks to them both.

Mid week 'longer' ones take their toll if you are a nine till fiver like me, so rested up Wednesday. Joy of joys, intervals beckoned on Thursday so sauntered down for 4 X 800m and 4 X 400m at the club. First 2 X 800m felt ok, managed sub 3m for both, then disaster, the right hand calf decided to niggle, then pretty rapidly after the 3rd 800m it contorted in an inexplicably sudden, agonising tightness - FFS, what the hell is going on? Anyway, I 'manfully' (read stoopid) attempted the first 400m of the 4, but then cowed off the track and took some sage advice from Ian Rowland on stretching.

I was literally struggling to walk on it on last night and this morning, so, having taken a day's leave on Friday, felt obliged to indulge my mild obsession (is that an oxymoron?) of fly fishing. Drove down to the Tweed near Peebles and had a very pleasant few hours fishing for trout. What has this go to do with running you say? Well, I started wading, stuck a thermometer in the water, and the bleeding temperature was 42 degrees - FFS, its the middle of April - anyway, goretex chest high waders don't have very good insulating properties so the virtual ice bath seemed to have a medicinal effect on the right calf. The sun was out, the odd fish was rising and my calf was soothed - life is good again. I even caught a couple of fish, an 18" grayling and a 14" trout.

The 'ice bath'

Re-invigorated by the fishing, and with a becalmed calf, I decided to have a gentle 'bimble' of a few miles when I got home - dead slow, nice and easy, no pressure, you get the picture. And it was very enjoyable (and very slow - 11 miles at 9.43 min/mile ave) BUT, calf was intact at the end, I enjoyed the run, and had a couple of bottles of banana bread beer to look forward to at the end.

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Let the fun begin

Brian talking.......S'pose my marathon training could now be said to be formally underway as of a 13 miler last Sunday....felt good, no niggles, stitch, calf problem or any other 'awful impediments that afflict a very average runner. Trouble is, i've registered for the Edinburgh - North Berwick 20 miler on 1 May, so i'm really going to have to get my skates on and hike up the mileage - but not overdo it at the same time....hmmmm. Theresa reckons 2 or 3 decent runs, say 15 - 17 miles between now and then will take me up to the requisite distance with (just) enough time for a mini-taper.......or not. Over and out.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Jane and Theresa's 12 mile run

Theresa here - feeling the pressure now that Jane has announced our hoped for times for the marathon. Following our (I think at least 12.5 mile) run today, and my inability to stand up and sit down without pain in the quads - getting round the marathon will be an achievement. As will going up and down any stairs the week after!
Jane here - Am too unable to stand/sit down without pain and am very hungry even though have just had lunch..... think our times are a bit optimistic but we have loads of time!!!